Our Team

Camp Director

The Chavez Family

In 2012, the Lord guided Chris Chavez to lead the ministry of HHBC. He and his wife, Sara, have traveled in full-time Evangelism since 2006, ministering in church revivals, mission conferences, camp weeks, youth conferences, and vacation Bible schools. In 2017, the Lord led him to pastor Green Road Baptist Church.

Their hearts have been knit with Hoosier Hills since the first time he preached here in 2010, and they are thrilled at the open door of furthering the Gospel of Christ through this ministry. They have two children, Alayna and Isaac.


The Vandegriff Family

Tim Vandegriff serves as the Facilities Director. He and his family moved from Michigan and joined the ministry in Spring of 2013. He oversees the property and buildings in their maintenance and development as well as assists Bro. Chavez in many other responsibilities.

Bro. Tim and his wife, Michelle, live year-round on the campus of Hoosier Hills and have four children: Autumn, Allena, Nathaniel, and Anna.

Operations diRECTOR

Michaela Frey

Michaela served as a counselor and pianist from 2016-2021, and in 2022 she became the Operations Director. She manages the snack shop, camp décor, and social media posts. She oversees the op staff girls in their various snack shop and cleaning crew duties.

When she’s not at Hoosier Hills, Michaela teaches at a Christian school and is the pianist at Hopewell Baptist Church in Lacie/Turners Station, KY.

Program Secretary

Rachel Streit

From 2016-2018, Rachel served on staff as a counselor and choir accompanist, and 2019-2021 as the program secretary. After taking a year off to get married (fun fact: she and her husband met at Hoosier Hills in 2017!), she returned in 2023 as the secretary, overseeing the registration side of the ministry.

Rachel and her husband, Nic, attend Washington Baptist Church in Dillsboro, IN. They enjoy hiking, trying new foods, and holding their ball python named Legolas.

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